How to improve models#

This page list methods to improve the quality, speed and size of YDF models.


Learn more about decision forests algorithms in our Decision Forests class on the Google Developer website. Understanding how decision forests work helps understanding and using those algorithms.

Random Forest or Gradient Boosted Trees?#

Random Forests (RF) and Gradient Boosted Trees (GBT) are two very different algorithms to train decision forests. Each algorithm comes with its own set of strengths and weaknesses.

At a high level, Random Forests suffer less from overfitting than Gradient Boosted Trees, making Random Forests a great choice for small datasets and datasets with a large number of input features.

On the other hand, Gradient Boosted Trees learn more efficiently than Random Forests. On large datasets, Gradient Boosted Trees lead to significantly stronger models. Furthermore, GBT models are often much smaller and allow for faster inference than comparable RF models.

If the model speed or size is critical, GBT should be selected. In other cases, it is worth trying out both RF and GBT and selecting the best model.


Both algorithms have hyperparameters in common. For example, the number of trees and the maximum tree depth. While those hyper-parameters are common, they play a different role and should be tuned differently depending on the algorithm. For example, the maximum tree depth of a GBT is generally in between 3 and 8, while it is rarely less than 16 in an RF.

Automated hyper-parameter tuning#

Automated hyperparameter tuning is a simple but expensive solution to improve the quality of a model. See the C++/CLI hyper-parameter tuning or TensorFlow Decision Forests hyper-parameter tuning pages for more details.

When full hyper-parameter tuning is too expensive, combining hyper-parameter tuning and manual tuning (explained in the next sections) is a good solutions.

Hyper-parameter templates#

The default hyper-parameters of YDF learners are set to reproduce the corresponding originally published algorithm. In addition, YDF offers backward compatibility of hyper-parameters: Running a learner configured with a set of given hyper-parameters always returns the same model (modulo changes to the pseudo-random number generators). For those two reasons, the default hyperparameters are giving reasonable but not optimal results.

For the user to benefit from the latest YDF algorithm without having understood those hyper-parameters and without having to run hyper-parameter tuning, YDF introduces a hyper-parameter template system. Those hyper-parameter templates contain improved hyper-parameters. Those templates are available in the hyper_parameters page.


In TensorFlow Decision Forests, the hyperparameter template can be specified with the hyperparameter_template model constructor argument. The next example train a Gradient Boosted Trees model with the benchmark_rank1 template.

# A good template of hyper-parameters.
model = tfdf.keras.GradientBoostedTreesModel(hyperparameter_template="benchmark_rank1")

Number of trees (GBT and RF)#

The number of trees controls the size and power of expression of a model.

In the case of Random Forest, increasing the number of trees increase the model quality until a plateau. Increasing the number of trees in Random Forests does not cause overfitting. For the Random Forest algorithm to work correctly, there should be a lot of trees (200 is a minimum, 1000 is a good number) with a high depth (16 is a good default value).

In the case of Gradient Boosted Trees, increasing the number of trees increase the model quality until the model starts overfitting. At this point, the model training stops automatically. Increasing the number of trees while increasing model regularization (e.g., shrinkage or attribute sampling) generally improves the quality of the model.

Training config:

num_trees: 2000

Generic hyper-parameter:

num_trees = 2000

Best first global growth strategy (GBT only)#

By default, trees are built using a greedy divide-and-conquer algorithm. Growing the tree globally can improve the model performance. In this case, the maximum number of nodes can be tuned and the maximum tree depth can be set to infinity.

Training config:

decision_tree {
    growing_strategy_best_first_global {
      max_num_nodes: 64
      max_depth: 128

Generic hyper-parameter:

growing_strategy = "BEST_FIRST_GLOBAL"
max_num_nodes = 64

Oblique splits (GBT and RF)#

By default, trees are “orthogonal” i.e. each split/condition tests a single feature. By opposition, conditions in oblique trees can use multiple features. Oblique splits generally improve performances.

Oblique trees are more expensive to train. The num_projections_exponent parameter plays an important role in the training time and final model quality (1 is cheap, 2 is good but expensive). See the training configuration for more details.

Training config:

decision_tree {
    sparse_oblique_split {
       num_projections_exponent : 1.5
       normalization: NONE

Generic hyper-parameter:

split_axis = "SPARSE_OBLIQUE"
sparse_oblique_num_projections_exponent = 2
sparse_oblique_normalization = 64

Random Categorical splits (GBT and RF)#

By default, categorical splits are learned with the CART algorithm. Training categorical split with the Random algorithm can improve the model performances at the expense of model size.

Training config:

decision_tree {
    categorical {
      random {}

Generic hyper-parameter:

categorical_algorithm = "RANDOM"

Hessian splits (GBT only)#

By default, splits are trained with a first-order approximation of the gradient. Second-order approximation can improve the performance.

Training config:

use_hessian_gain: true

Generic hyper-parameter:

use_hessian_gain = "true"

Disabling the validation dataset (GBT only)#

By default, GBT extracts a sample of the training dataset to build a validation dataset (default to 10%). For small datasets, it might be good to use all the data for training (and therefore disable early-stopping). In this case, the num_trees parameter should be tuned. This operation can both improve or hurt the model.

Training config:

validation_set_ratio: 0.0
early_stopping: NONE

Generic hyper-parameter:

validation_ratio = 0.0
early_stopping = "NONE"

Disabling winner take all (RF only)#

By default, each tree in an RF is voting for a single class. When disabling winner takes all, each tree is voting for the distribution of classes. This generally improves the model.

Training config:

winner_take_all_inference: false

Generic hyper-parameter:

winner_take_all = "false"

Super Learners#

Following are examples of GBT and RF training configurations with all the method listed above:


[yggdrasil_decision_forests.model.gradient_boosted_trees.proto.gradient_boosted_trees_config] {
  num_trees: 1000
  use_hessian_gain: true
  validation_set_ratio: 0.0
  early_stopping: NONE
  decision_tree {
    growing_strategy_best_first_global { max_num_nodes: 64 }
    sparse_oblique_split {}
    categorical { random {} }
learner: "RANDOM_FOREST"

[yggdrasil_decision_forests.model.random_forest.proto.random_forest_config] {
  num_trees: 1000
  winner_take_all_inference: false
  decision_tree {
    sparse_oblique_split {}
    categorical { random {} }

Improving the size of the model#

The size of a model is critical in some applications. YDF models range from a few KB to a few GB. The following sections list some way you can reduce the size of a model.

1. Switch from a Random Forest to a Gradient Boosted Trees#

Random Forests models are significantly larger and slower than Gradient Boosted Trees.

TensorFlow Decision Forests code

# model = tfdf.keras.RandomForestModel()
model = tfdf.keras.GradientBoostedTreesModel()

2. Remove model meta-data#

YDF models contain meta-data used for model interpretation and debugging. This meta-data is not used for model inference and can be discarded to decrease the model size.

The meta-data can be remove with the argument pure_serving_model=True.

TensorFlow Decision Forests code

model = tfdf.keras.RandomForestModel(pure_serving_model=True)

Yggdrasil Decision Forests training configuration

pure_serving_model: true

The meta-data of an already existing model can be removed with the the edit_model tool:

# Remove the meta-data from the model
./edit_model --input=/tmp/model_with_metadata --output=/tmp/model_without_metadata --pure_serving=true

# Look at the size of the model
du -h /tmp/model_with_metadata
du -h /tmp/model_without_metadata


528K /tmp/model_with_metadata
264K /tmp/model_without_metadata

3. Ensure that the model is correctly trained#

Unique ID-like features (e.g., user id) that cannot be generated about will make the model grow without benefit. Make sure to not include such type of input features.

ID-like features can be spotted using the variable importance. They generally have high “number of nodes” variable importance while all the other variable importance measures are low.

4. Reduce the number of trees#

The num_trees parameter controls the number of trees in the model. Reducing this parameter will decrease the size of the model at the expense of the model quality.

5. Disable winner_take_all_inference with Random Forests#

The winner_take_all_inference parameters (true by default) can make Random Forest models large. Try disabling it.

TensorFlow Decision Forests code

model = tfdf.keras.RandomForestModel(winner_take_all=False)

Yggdrasil Decision Forests training configuration

winner_take_all_inference: false

6. Set maximum_model_size_in_memory_in_bytes#

The maximum_model_size_in_memory_in_bytes parameter controls the maximize size of the model when loaded in memory. By setting this value, you can control the final size of the model.

TensorFlow Decision Forests code

model = tfdf.keras.RandomForestModel(maximum_model_size_in_memory_in_bytes=10e+9  # 10GB)

Yggdrasil Decision Forests training configuration

maximum_model_size_in_memory_in_bytes: 10e+9  # 10GB